Ang Lee’s Film:Brokeback Mountain李安的《断背山》
Brokeback Mountain is a 2005 romantic drama film directed by Ang Lee. It is a film adaptation of the 1997…
Brokeback Mountain is a 2005 romantic drama film directed by Ang Lee. It is a film adaptation of the 1997…
The Hulk is an American superhero film in 2003 which is based on the fictional Marvel Comics character of the…
Life of Pi is a 2012 American 3D live-action/computer-animated adventure drama film based on Yann Martel's 2001 novel of the…
"We want the Chinese to feel proud of their countryside and wildlife, to care about it and to seek to…
A popular Chinese TV drama thatThe Legend of Zhen Huan features Chen Jianbin and Sun Li playing Emperor Yong Zheng…
Gua sha the movie was produced in 2001 , directed by Zheng Xiaolong film reflects the cultural differences of East and…
《钢铁侠3》本周在好莱坞举行了首映仪式,并将于5月1日在中国上映。目前已有多部大片在中国拍摄,并拥有对剧情发展至关重要的华人角色,本片是其中的最新一部,片中中国著名演员王学圻与好莱坞明星小罗伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey Jr)联袂出镜。中国蒸蒸日上的电影票房或能解释其中原因:中国的观影人次正在快速增长,修建多厅型电影院的热潮使得中国的银幕数量以每天10块的速度增长,2012年中国超越日本成为了全球第二大电影市场。 The film, which premieres this week in Hollywood, will be released in the US and China simultaneously…
那些年,我们一起追过的女孩 You Are The Apple of My Eye Scenario Ke JingTeng ( Ke Zhendong acted) and a group of his…
第六集《潮涌海岸》 中国是一个海洋大国,拥有全世界第三长的海岸线和近三分之一国土面积的海域。那里充满无数奇妙的鸟类和海洋生物。由北向南,会遇见翩翩起舞的丹顶鹤,以海草为食的大天鹅,飘浮于海面柔软发光的水母群,栖息在湿地沼泽中的麋鹿,飞往香港米埔越冬的黑脸琵鹭,长江下游的中华鲟和东海鳗鱼……看蛇岛蝮蛇如何捕食过往候鸟,还可以钻入水下,看渔民如何闭气采集龙虾和牡蛎。从寒带到热带,从湿地到城市,跟随鸟类的足迹,学习如何与动物在有限的空间里相处。 Episode 6. Tides of Change The final programme features China’s 14,500 km coastline, home to 700 million people.…
Scenario: Used to be editor of Gourmet magazine editor Wen Jiajia (Tang Wei decoration) due to pregnancy to Seattle confinement…